MALBEK ENVISION | User Conference Agenda and Star Keynote, Kenny Aronoff Announced

Malbek AI

AI-Powered Contract Management

Tailor-made for your contracting operations, Malbek AI seamlessly handles complex CLM use cases properly suited for Generative AI within a secure, multi-LLM stack. Beyond decoding legal language, it empowers you to foresee challenges and gain unparalleled insights, elevating compliance, streamlining processes, and boosting productivity

Increase efficiency adding resource capacity.

Automate repetitive processes, such as document review and data extraction. Transform complex legal language into clear, understandable text or concise summaries to improve overall business outcomes. With Bek, your Legal Copilot by your side, free up valuable human resources and focus on strategic initiatives.

Minimize risk and ensure compliance.

Leverage advanced algorithms to systematically analyze agreements, flag potential compliance issues, extract key details, and ensure adherence to legal standards. Upload any document and automatically create playbook guardrails to meet evolving business demands.

Reduce negotiation roundtrips and get to signature quicker

Leverage Generative AI insights to negotiate better terms, optimize contract structures, and align legal strategies with broader business objectives. Advanced business intelligence allows your contract data to drive strategic business outcomes.

Infusing AI at every step of your contract lifecycle.

Malbek AI by the numbers


Trained clauses to find terms in seconds.


administration by business admins – including integrations.


administration by business admins – including integrations.


Efficiency with Bek, the AI Legal Copilot


measurable productivity gains across the lifecycle


reduction in overall cycle times


See value in the first 3 months


See value in the first 3 months

Customer Snapshot

Innovative, global businesses trust Malbek


From creation and management to storage and milestones, streamline enterprise-wide contract lifecycle management, mitigate risk, and unite teams at scale.

Get a Demo

The art of the possible

Explore our modules

Malbek CLM

Unite the enterprise and accelerate contracting velocity with Malbek’s AI-charged CLM solution.

Malbek Klix

Meet the modern clickwrap solution that simplifies online agreements for everyone.

Malbek Marketplace

Setup integrations with a no-code, drag-and-drop interface for seamless connectivity to other business applications.