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CLM Glossary

From contract initiation to execution, this guide is crafted to assist contract professionals in grasping the nuances of contract lifecycle management.

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The seamless connection of CLM software with other business systems, such as ERP, CRM, or CPQ, to enhance overall efficiency and data accuracy.

Integration Services

Integration services help ensure the CLM platform is properly connected to other enterprise systems, such as CRM or ERP, to ensure data consistency and streamline processes.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property includes intangible assets such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Contracts often address the ownership, licensing, and protection of intellectual property.


Intent refers to the expressed purpose or objective behind entering into a contract. Understanding the intent is crucial for drafting and interpreting contract terms accurately.

Internal Policies

Internal Policies refer to the rules and guidelines established by an organization for its employees and stakeholders. Contracts should align with internal policies to ensure compliance and consistency.